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考虑到湾仔渡轮的建议,以下各段已阐述将责任交由所有持份者承担的决定的影响。由于财政负担增加,在利益相关者之间分配责任也许是合理的。由于各利益相关者在渡轮服务中所扮演的角色,他们的财务压力可以在不同利益相关者之间分配,因此他们可以平等地分担责任。利益相关者1:加拿大海岸警卫队:这一决定的影响将直接面对由渔业和海洋部管理的加拿大海岸警卫队(ccg, 2016)。海上交通的增加显然需要改善交通通道的维修系统和加强冰的管理服务。这两项责任都属于渔业和海洋部的职权范围,因此属于加拿大海岸警卫队。加拿大海岸警卫队将提供作为其核心职责和义务义务约束的服务,从而提供此类帮助(Gaus, 2001)。


在这样做时,它的行动将符合责任,这反过来将促进更好地维护海岸线。利益相关者2:加拿大环境评估机构:增加海上交通将对加拿大环境评估机构负责的各种环境因素施加压力。由于省政府与轮渡运营商之间的协议,海湾轮渡是开放式的,可以引入遵守经营者严格遵守环境评估机构制定的环境法规的条款(ceaa, 2016)。这一决定背后的伦理启示可以追溯到利己主义原则,这一原则最符合自我的利益。减少对环境的压力可以获得相当大的奖励,这可以大大减少政府维护环境的费用。减少的差额可用于海湾渡船在其条款中所涉及的补贴。维持一条干净的海上高速公路的责任,可以委托给经营者,否则将被处罚。因此,运营商将出于最大的利益维护该条款(Bruzzone, 2012)。


Considering the proposal of the Bay Ferries, the following sections have delineated on the impact of the decision to delegate responsibilities among all the stakeholders. Due to the increased burden on the finances, it would perhaps be plausible to distribute responsibilities among the stakeholders. The financial pressure can be distributed among the various stakeholders because of their roles in the ferry services, and therefore it can share the onus equally.Stakeholder 1: Canadian Coastguard: The impact of the decision would directly be faced by the Canadian Coastguard that is governed by the Fisheries and Oceans department (ccg, 2016). The increase in the maritime traffic would obviously call for improved maintenance systems of the traffic channel and enhanced ice management services. Both the duties fall under the purview of the department of the Fisheries and Oceans, and therefore on the Canadian Coast Guard. The Canadian coastguard would as such help by providing services that have been delineated as their core responsibilities and bound by Deontological obligations (Gaus, 2001).

In doing so, its actions would conform to the duty which would in turn facilitate better maintenance of the coastline.Stakeholder 2: Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency:Increased maritime traffic would put pressure on various environmental factors that the supervision of which falls under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. Since the agreement between the provincial government and the ferry operator, Bay Ferries is open-ended, and clauses can be introduced that observes the operator follow strict guidelines for the environmental regulations delineated by the Environmental Assessment Agency (ceaa, 2016). The ethical inspiration behind this decision can be traced to the Egoist principle that works to the best interest of the self. Considerable incentives can be earned for putting less stress on the environment, which can substantially reduce the costs of the Environment maintenance on the government’s part. The difference in the reduction can be utilized in the subsidy that Bay Ferries has related in its clause. The onus to maintain a clean maritime highway that can be delegated to the operator, failing which it would be penalized. The operator, therefore, would act in its best interest to maintain the clause (Bruzzone, 2012).

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