




Time: The biggest challenge in bringing about organizational changes is the time taken. If the planning is not proper and the goals are not clear then the whole change process could take more time than what it should take. In this time the employees could start questioning the change as the effects of the changes being implemented are not visible (Todnem, 2005). Further the business also gets impacted for the time the changes come into effect and if the time taken for implementation of the change is more than the impact on the profits of the company is also more. The changes should be implemented as quickly as possible so that the employees and the customers get enough time to adjust to those changes.
Adaptation: Adapting to the changes is a big challenge. The change management team could bring about a change in a very less time but the time taken to adapt to those changes would depend on how well the changes have been understood by the employees as well as the customers.
From the report above, it could be summarized that the organizational changes are the demand of today’s business. No business could survive without going through the necessary changes. As we have seen there are several reasons like competition in the market, growth, improvement etc. which demand different types of changes in the organization (Zajac et al, 2000). It is important for the management to understand the importance of organizational changes as stakeholders of the company are also affected by the changes and if the correct decisions would not be taken on time, then it could harm the business and they have impact on the stakeholders too. In the last section of the report, the challenges like planning, Lack of consensus regarding change etc., have been discussed. It is very important to take care of their issues while planning for the changes. Hence it could be said that if the organizational changes are done with proper planning then it could have lot of positive impacts on the business.

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