






This is a thesis submitted by VeeraKorjala for Bachelor’s Degree Program in Hospitality Management. This article was published in 2012 by Turku University of Applied Sciences. This article is written in a systematic and orderly manner. VeeraKorjala is well aware of the fact that to understand cultural diversity in hospitality management, it is necessary to first understand the basics about culture, aspects which cause diversity in culture, blend of these diversities and how diversity effects hospitality management. It discussed culture, its definition and aspects. VeeraKorjala discussed types or levels of culture as defined by Reisinger in 2009. It is discussed that people may not necessarily belong to just one culture, but they may carry a number of layers of different types of cultures within them. The causes of cultural differences and how these differences interact with each other are discussed. Hofstede’s dimensions of cultural diversities have been discussed as a key study in this article. Another key study incorporated in this piece of article is Gardenswartz and Rowe’s four layers of diversity.


Going on further, the article discussed benefits of cultural diversity, challenges and problems faced as a consequence of cultural diversity. VeeraKorjala did not leave the readers with just problems and consequences rather proposed solution for these problems. According to VeeraKorjala, cultural diversity in workforce requires training of staff for better professional environment. Future scope of cultural diversity has also been discussed in VeeraKorjala’s writing. The research method used in composing the article integrates both qualitative and quantitative research. Interviews were taken from managers belonging to hospitality industry. On the basis of their interviews, some basic aspects were quantified and analyzed, such as adherence to cultural values, importance of cultural diversity, its influence on workplace and beneficial dimensions, implementation and management issues.

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