


次贷危机导致了一些金融机构的垮台。由于经济窘迫的美国联邦储备理事会救助了不少这些机构为了阻止进一步的危机,并为经济提供支持。贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)一直是一个金融机构被J P摩根收购投资银行无法收回投资的抵押贷款证券。

贝尔斯登的崩溃及其后续救助的美国联邦储备理事会(美联储,fed)和摩根大通(JP Morgan)的冲击波在整个投资银行业的社区。贝尔斯登令人难以置信的快速死亡引发了一个严重的问题关于投资银行业的杠杆的使用,其监管,以及美国联邦储备理事会(美联储,fed)的作用防止大型金融机构倒闭。


  • 文化在贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)的角色定位的贝尔斯登
  • 审查和建议替代决策/贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)所采取的措施
  • 投资银行的流动性的重要性
  • 美国联邦储备理事会(美联储,fed)维持秩序的作用在世界证券市场



The subprime crisis has led to the downfall of several financial institutions. As a result of the distress in the economy the Federal Reserve bailed out quite a few of these institutions in order to stop further crisis and to provide support to the economy. Bear Stearns has been one of the financial institutions that were bought by J P Morgan as the investment bank was unable to recover the investment made in mortgage based securities.

The collapse of Bear Sterns and its subsequent bailout by the Federal Reserve and JP Morgan sent shockwaves throughout the investment banking community. Bear Stearns’ incredibly rapid demise raises serious questions regarding the investment banking industry’s use of leverage, its regulation, and the role of the Federal Reserve in preventing major financial institutions from failing.

The report has been prepared for analyzing the collapse of Bear Stearns. This includes

  • Role of Culture at Bear Stearns in positioning of Bear Stearns
  • Reviewing and suggesting alternate decisions/ steps taken by Bear Stearns
  • Importance of liquidity in investment banking
  • Role of Federal Reserve in maintaining order in world securities’ markets

The report clearly helps in identifying the key aspects of the investment banking business, its impact on the economy and the ways by which the negative impact can be managed.

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