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With the help of qualitative analysis we came to know about the real psychology involved behind the consumers buying behavior. As it is a known fact that qualitative analysis helps in the study of human behavior and hence it is the best way to understand why a particular decision is being made by the consumer. In order to get the best results we decided to take small sample size. The methodologies used here were interviews of consumers and the observation method.

The analysis of the collected data makes it sure that emotions have got a very influential impact on buying decision of consumers. It is seen that even while evaluating different brands, consumers make use of emotions i.e. the individual feelings and the past experiences more than the statistics available related to the brand. Similar is the situation in case of advertising about the product (Hwang & Kandampully, 2012). The consumers are more affected by the emotional value in the advertisement in comparison to the actual information present in the ad. According to a research by an advertising research foundation, there is an emotion known as emotion of likeability which actually measure that whether an advertisement will be helpful in increasing the sales of a particular fashion brand or not. It is seen that an optimistic emotion has greater influence on brand loyalty in comparison to the features available in the brand.

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