








The impact of cultural diversity in school and its possible outcomes on students can be best analyzed with the help of case studies pertaining to varied culturally diverse educational institutions. One such study (Chang, 1993) states how a culturally diverse and strong foundation in school strengthens the bonds between pupils and their respective families (Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Recommendations for Effective Early Childhood Education, 1995). The importance of introducing a learning system where each and every student is allowed to retain their unique cultural attitudes and attributes  is largely delved upon. Also, the engagement of teachers with the individual interests of pupils encourages the foundation of a culturally diverse and united learning environment.


The ethical issues related to cultural diversity in education pertains to a lack of cohesion in a multi-cultural society and economy (Jakubowicz, 2009). The measure to alleviate such issues is to encourage the presence of a multi-lingual learner’s base and yet achieve the organizational goals by implementing a common language or method of learning (Inglis, 2008).


The implementation of a culturally diverse educational environment is likely to be sustained if the educators highlight the values of diversity within the classroom and emphasis on its importance not only within the institution, but also in the outside world (Teaching in a Diverse Classroom, n.d.). Such environments are imperative for the personal, social, psychological, academic and professional developments of each and every pupil.

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