


中國的建築有着悠久的歷史。這個國家的建築和中國文明一樣古老。許多文學資料提供了關於中國建築風格的本土體系的信息,從史前時代到今天,這一直是中國建築的主要元素。中國建築的歷史可以追溯到石器時代。中國建築是世界上最著名的建築設計之一。鴉片戰爭後,西方文化入侵中國,影響了中國的政治經濟體制(Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002)。建築的發展也受到了西方侵略的影響。20世紀80年代以後,中國開始將傳統建築設計與現代建築設計相結合。在西方文化的影響下,中國的傳統和現代建築哲學仍然被建築師們所使用。然而,隨着改革和西方文化的衝擊,建築業變得更加糟糕。隨着經濟的不斷髮展和西方建築風格的結合,中國盲目地追隨西方建築風格,模仿他們的設計、技術和形式(Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002)。這導致了中國傳統建築文化的弱化。本文旨在探討中國傳統建築與西方建築的交叉。


它具有一定的特色,是中國傳統建築的主要元素。主要的重點是水平軸。重型平臺的建造和大型屋頂漂浮在上面,與垂直的牆壁相結合。這種建築與西方建築完全相反,西方建築是基於建築的高度和深度(Atkin et al., 2015)。在中國建築中,重點是創造寬度的視覺衝擊。財富可以通過建築來體現,建築的寬度大於高度,而在西方文化中,主要強調建築的高度。故宮的宮殿和大廳是這種建築的最好例子,因爲它們有低矮的屋頂。這個概念被應用到寶塔上,寶塔是宗教建築綜合體(Steinhardt, Glahn, Thorp, and Juliano, 1984)。


The architecture of China had a great history. The architecture of this country is as old as Chinese civilization. Many literary sources provide the information about the indigenous system of Chinese construction styles, which has been the major element of construction in China since pre-historic time till present day. The history of Chinese architecture can date back to Stone Age. Chinese architecture is one within the world’s most famous architectural designs. After Opium War, China was invaded by the Western Culture which impacted its politics and economic system (Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002). Development of architecture was also affected by the Western invasion. After the time period of 1980’s, the traditional and modern architecture designs began to be combined in China. With the impact of Western culture, the traditional and modern architectural philosophy of China was still used by the architects. Though, with reform and western cultural impact, the construction industry had become worse. With continuous economic development and the combination of the western style of architecture, China blindly followed the style of western architecture and imitated their designs, techniques and forms (Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002). This resulted in weakening the traditional architectural culture of China. This essay aims to explore the intersection of traditional Chinese architecture with Western architecture.

Traditional Chinese Architecture

There are certain features, which were the main elements in the traditional Chinese architecture. The main emphasis was given to the horizontal axis. The construction of the heavy platforms was made and large roofs float over them, combined with the vertical walls. This kind of construction is in complete contrast with the western architecture, which was based on height and depth of the buildings (Atkin et al., 2015). In Chinese architecture, the emphasis was given on creating the visual impact of the width. The wealth can be shown through making the building, which is more in breadth than in height, while in western culture, the major emphasis is given on the height of the building. The palaces and halls in the Forbidden City are the best example of such kind of architecture as they have low roofs. This concept is applied to pagodas, which are religious building complexes (Steinhardt, Glahn, Thorp, and Juliano, 1984).

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