



本分析的目的是瞭解和確定這種情況的政治、文化和社會動態,並瞭解每一個方面如何對社會的其他方面產生了相當大的影響。爲此,人們對鍍金時代(Gilded age)至1977年的事件進行了討論。


鍍金時代指的是1870年到1900年之間。這實際上是一個由馬克吐溫創造的諷刺術語。這個時代指的是在生產力的面紗下的社會中的嚴重問題。在此期間,美國經濟迅速增長。人們發現美國人的工資比歐洲人高。進入這個國家的移民增加了。美國的增長是衆所周知的頻譜(Foner 550)。鐵路建設是全國的重大工程。工廠工人的增加,礦業的發展以及國家財政的改善。




Late 19th century and the early 20th century was marked by a number of events that shook the world and policy of the people. Civil war in America, World War I, World War II, Containment policy, Korean war, Cold War, racial tensions, gender equality, women suffrage, cessation of the imperialist policy were the major political events that the nation had to face from 1887 to 1977. There were a number of progressive ideologies and also newer tensions that had arisen during this time. There was intermingling of the races, ideologies and the world was reeling under many wars that had taken place. These changes in the political ideologies stemmed from the basic notions of equality and liberation. There was a definitive change in the cultural and social paradigms.

The purpose of this analysis is to understand and identify the political, cultural and social dynamics of the situation and understand how each aspect had caused considerable impact on the other aspects in the society. For this there is discussion of the events from the Gilded age to 1977.

Paradigm of the Gilded Age

The Gilded Age refers to the age between 1870 and 1900. This was in reality a satire term that was coined by Mark Twain. This era refers to the serious issues in the society that was under a veil of productivity. During this time, there was rapid growth in the United States. The American wages were found to be higher than the Europeans. There was an increase in the immigration into the nation. Growth of the United States was well known across the spectrum (Foner 550). The Railroads construction was undertaken as major projects within the nation. There was increase in the factory workers, mining industry and finances of the nation was improving.

Political and Economic Events

From an economic perspective, America was thriving in the Industrial age. There was rise in production and the country was looking for newer markets to make the sales of the product. There was a significant rise in the product and the manufacturing within the nation. 2% of the American population controlled the rest of the people. During this age, there was tremendous growth for the rich white population in the state. There was a general contention in the early 1880s that America was prospering, but the significant gap between the rich and the poor had widened in the region (Foner 558) . The other race people were suffering under the realms of the environmental conditions. There was formation of the Two party system in America. Republican party was involved in job creation and wanted to control the taxes. The Democratic party wanted to increase the taxes and wanted the Federal Government to have more control over the affairs of the nation. Each party had its own set of ideals. This two party system had its roots during the gilded era. The political issues were mired by corruption.

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