




Increasing cost is the next big problem in the firm that leading for less customers reaching out to the company for product manufacturing. This causes the increase in competition as competitors promotes low price which the customers can afford. Possible recommendations for decreasing the cost is enhancing and optimizing the process of the firm. The process of organization is needed to upgrade so that, online operation can be introduced in the context of organization and cost can be saved to a large extent. This will lead to increase in sales too and the price can be reduced too, which will again attach more customers. The firm also avoids rework or any kind of mistake in invoice or design. The product must be ready on time so that normal delivery can be done, and this will help in avoiding express delivery costs to the firm.

The major issue in his firm is the order entry department. The initial steps that are needed before the order or manufacturing the product is to talk to the employees, including suppliers and internal customers.  For gathering proper and required information the department should prepare the data collection forms depending on responses.  Internal staffs of the organization should be engaged in keeping track of the records and also the staffs should keep track to avoid any internal problems raised in the organization and those track records can be used while establishing quotes and also in case of data processing. For the purpose of avoiding external failures, the track record of internal customers of the organization should be maintained and also a track record should be maintained which shows the errors while acknowledging the order entry or while doing quoting. For enhancement of order entry system, the entry of suppliers, entry of orders, entry of orders through internal customers and order entry through staffs of the organization are encouraged

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