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相反,在企业社会责任的背景下,股东采取了一些行动;在这方面,可以提供社会责任投资基金的例子。SRI基金有一种投资方法,即在选择他们希望投资的公司时,考虑到环境和社会因素以及财务业绩。这些资金往往有一个坚定的立场;在机构投资者如养老基金,在美国和欧洲工作的情况下这是真的(Schwaiger 2004)。负面筛选是SRI基金为选择他们希望投资的公司而使用的工具之一。



On the contrary, in context of CSR there have been actions which are taken by the shareholders; in this respect the example of the social responsible investment funds could be provided. There is an approach to investment by the SRI funds which takes into consideration the environmental and social factors together with the financial performance when they select the firms with whom they wish to invest. These funds tend to have a firm position; this is true in the case of the institutional investors like the pension funds which work in USA and Europe (Schwaiger 2004). Negative Screening is one of the tools which are utilized by the SRI funds for the purpose of selection of the firms in which they wish to invest.

This encompass of elimination of firms which are engaged in the corporate activities which are ethically unacceptable and also includes comparison of firms with ethical criteria. These kinds of activities encompass of having unhygienic or unsafe working environment, paying low wages, discrimination against ethnic minorities, using child labor, supporting dictatorial regimes and polluting the environment (Epstein 2001).The fund tends to eliminate the firm from its list of the investment-worthy companies if the fund judges a company to be problematic in one or more than one aspects; moreover, they tend to sell up their share if they have already invested in that firm. Furthermore, SRI funds also utilize a method which is known as shareholder activism. This means that companies are approached by the fund in which they are thinking to invest and asks them to act in such a manner which takes into consideration the environmental and social concerns on which importance is being laid by the shareholders. To frame it differently, this means that those rights are used by the shareholders like rights to put forward motions, make decisions and bring forward lawsuits on their behalf (Goodpasture 1991). Stakeholders or shareholders could also be looked as the ones who function as restrictive factor on CSR of these options are taken into consideration by them.

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