


第一个艾滋病毒或艾滋病诊断发生在1984年之后在泰国和理想化的报告100万人受到艾滋病毒感染包括300000人死亡。现在,艾滋病毒或艾滋病是最主要的原因导致的过早死亡。泰国政府果断采取行动来处理这种情况,组织全国健康促进活动减少艾滋病毒的传播(Cutt,et al .,2000)。这场运动是一种非常有效的预防的一些例子程序与艾滋病毒或艾滋病有关。即使感染率下降但仍感染持续存在和其他国家一样,在泰国也有要求增加治疗那些已经感染病毒(艾滋病)。这是问题,针对艾滋病毒或艾滋病门诊项目在泰国开始与澳大利亚合作在1997年实现。

第一个事件后的1987年艾滋病毒或艾滋病,泰国公共卫生部让Bamras所需的主要医院病人的艾滋病治疗。这份报告概述了这支球队在健康促进不仅提供了信誉,而且可靠性来自Bamras所占有的价值。取得了ISO9002质量标准由Bamras和也被称为一个艾滋病毒或艾滋病人合作中心。Bamras建立门诊单位为了满足不断增加的需求病人感染艾滋病毒。从这个角度看,赞助的报告可以连同指示添加剂值表示,Bamras通过这个报告提供(Cutt,et al .,2000)。这份报告的作者属于澳大利亚政府的海外援助项目。


The first HIV or AIDS diagnosis took place in 1984 in Thailand and since then the reports idealized 1 million individuals to be under HIV infection inclusive of 300,000 deaths. Now, HIV or AIDS is the leading reason causing in the nation premature deaths. The Thailand’s government has decisively taken actions to deal with this situation and as organized across the nation health promotion campaigns for reducing the transmission of HIV (Cutt, et al., 2000). This campaign is one of the very few examples of effective prevention programs related to HIV or AIDS. Even though infection rate has been reduced but still infection persists and just as other nations, in Thailand as well there is an increased requirement for treating those already having virus infection (AIDS).  This was the issue that the Ambulatory Care Project targeting HIV or AIDS in Thailand was started in collaboration with Australia which in the year 1997 was implemented.

After the first incident of HIV or AIDS in 1987, the public health ministry made Bamras of Thailand the main hospital for patient’s required AIDS treatment. The report outlined by this team on health promotion not only offers credibility but also reliability which comes from the values possessed by Bamras. ISO9002 quality standards have been obtained by Bamras and are also known as a collaborating HIV or AIDS WHO centre. Bamras established Ambulatory care unit in order to meet the needs of ever increasing patients infected with HIV. From this perspective, the auspice of the report can be indicated along with indicating the additive values that Bamras through this report has to offer (Cutt, et al., 2000). The authors of this report belong to the Australian Government’s Overseas aid Program.

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