





Public Policy as discussed above is a document that is designed and developed by the administration in order to define the rules, regulations and laws concerning the public issue. Public Policy is developed by the government in order to resolve existing public issues and problems. It is identified and featured with the interactive, dynamic and complex systems. Public Policy is a consistent process that requires amendment and design changes from regular intervals. There is a regular requirement of the evaluation and assessment of the Public Policy. In order to develop a good public policy, there is a requirement of numerous people who identify, discuss and make the policy makers or the developers to act in a specific way. Many countries and their governments are involved in the development of the public policies but the areas and issues are dependent on the various states and countries.

Although people like civil servants and politicians are actively involved in influencing for public policy yet it is developed by the officials in the government. These officials have to keep the interests of all the stakeholders in mind while developing and executing the public policy. A good public policy has to take care of the fact that it is efficient enough to resolve the issues within the turnaround time. It should even safeguard the interests of all the stakeholders who are directly or indirectly involved in the public policy making. This will help in gaining the strength and the trust of the people for the implementation of the Public Policy that is designed for the safeguarding of the interests of the people.

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