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本篇文章是讲雀巢公司和其它公司的文化介绍,正如麦肯锡所描述的,雀巢关注的是进步的人力资源和社会政策。这样,雀巢的管理风格是基于人的参与和管理的承诺,这使得公司对员工和英国社会负责,从而履行政府,利益相关者,社区和客户的义务。保护环境的不公平的做法也在雀巢的政策。雀巢的战略使组织更致力于环境,所有这些做法有助于组织获得良好的市场地位,因为这些听起来保存自然资源和节省能源(Rust, Lemon和Zeithaml, 2014)。本篇论文代写靠谱吗文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As described in the McKinsey, Nestle focuses on the progressive human resource and the social policy. In this way, the management style of Nestle is based on the people involvement and the management commitment, which makes the company responsible toward the employees and the society of UK so that the obligation of the government, stakeholders, communities and the customer could be fulfilled. Protect the environment form the unfair practises of Nestle are also in the policies. The strategies of Nestle that makes the organisation more committed toward the environment and all these practises helps the organisation in gaining the good position into the market because these sounds preserve the natural resources and save the energy (Rust, Lemon and Zeithaml, 2014).
According to the researches and the data, currently the company is focusing on the branding strategy by taking the help of the human resource and the social policies. Under this, Nestle has its own plan for the product other than the other products offered by Nestle. With the help of the brand strategy, Nestle has been able to grow the market share and the market growth simultaneously as the business of Nestle has been crossed the national boundaries (Doyle and Stern, 2016). The branding of Nestle is on the fact that product must be come under the local eating and the social habits. In this way, Nestle always focuses on respecting the culture and the beliefs of the society and the communities.
Hershey’s company: It is an American company, which has spread the branches all over world. It gives the huge competition to Nestle when it comes to beverages. The main products of Hershey’s are Twizzler’s, Reese’s, Milk Duds, and Jolly Ranchers. Approx 29% market is captured by Hershey’s brand in the beverage industry.
Kraft foods: Although the main competitor of Nestle is Hershey’s company, the Kraft foods is giving the tough competition to the Nestle in every segment. There are different products that Kraft foods has launched in UK such as Crystal light drink blackberry, Crystal light liquid drink mix mango passi etc. (Ruekert, 2012). These two products of Kraft foods are big competitors to Nestle by capturing almost 20-23 % market share.
Horlicks: Horlicks is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline Company that also provides the malted milk hot drinks to the population of UK. Although the market share of Horlicks is not so much in UK, the market growth of the company is increasing with a good pace that could stand the company in the front of Nestle in the coming years.


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