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本文主要講的是藝術組織董事會,研究發現,雖然董事會成員知識淵博,但董事會對日常運營的參與是有限的,低於Max (Hewison和Holden, 2011)。此外,澳大利亞國家藝術資助機構(national arts funding body of Australia)已經迫使藝術組織和ACCA(尤其是特許公認會計師公會)合併一個公司董事會結構,其中包括來自建築背景的個人、會計師、律師、商業代表、來自市場營銷、政府和藝術家的個人(Ibbotson, 2008)。本篇論文代寫價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The research has established while there is a knowledgeable combination of the board members, the involvement of the board across the day to day operations is limited and lower than Max (Hewison and Holden, 2011). Moreover, the national arts funding body of Australia has forced the arts organizations and ACCA in particular to incorporate a corporate board structure with inclusion of the individuals from architectural background, accountant, lawyer, business representatives, individuals from marketing, government and the artists (Ibbotson, 2008).
It has been found that this structured appointment of the arts organizational board members has limited the ability of the ACCA’s board to make decisions that are informed and artistically sound (Hewison and Holden, 2016). Hence, there are various conflicts with the artists and administrative staff that emerge on an ongoing basis. According to the researchers, another distinction that has been surfaced is that while the arts boards understand the essentiality of the corporate governance and betterment of the arts organizations, the concentration is not maintained on the arts governance (Landry, 2011). The leadership of the board of directors is limited towards the financial responsibility and ensuring that the organization operates within the legal framework of Australia. It is found that the corporate leadership style and organizational structure is followed under the boards’ leadership because of the need for risk assessment (Lim, 2016). This model is adopted as the organization is dependent on broader sources than the Australian government for the financial support. Hence, the leadership of the board of directors are limited towards the strategic planning and implementations with the Artistic Director and General Manager.
The artistic director namely Max undertakes the selection of the artists along with curating the artists and artworks. The authoritative leadership style is followed by Max Delany as he engages in primary interactions with the artists, teams for organizing the events and processes of design. He has undertaken number of curatorial projects that consist of working in collaboration with the Australian and international artists (Nisbett and Walmsley, 2016).

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