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Observations: In the grocery shop, it was found that elderly people faced difficulty in handling some of the facilities, such as the trolleys and the big baskets. Some of the elderly people also faced difficulty in reading the price and labels. They also had problem in reaching to high and low shelves. They had the dilemma in using the deep freezers, so either they did not buy that products or asked for help from the staff members.
However, youth found everything handier. They were not very concerned about the price of the products, but they had specific choices about their food items. They were also more influenced by the advertisements and they were shopping for the products that they have seen in advertisements. Carrying the basket or the trolley was not a problem for them.
Findings: The findings accepted the hypothesis because I was able to find what I required. I could identify the difference between the shopping behaviour of the elderly and youth. Identifying these differences helped me to establish my hypothesis.
Research Process: The research process will involve the qualitative study and the semi structured interview of the participants. The participants will be divided into two groups (elderly and youth). And semi structured interview will be conducted through open ended question. Research will also include the literature reviewed from the selected study to support the given hypothesis.
Ethical Issues: The ethical issue may arise about the concern of the participants. Therefore, his research will follow the ethical process and written consent will be received from the participants. Consent to conduct the research will also be received from the authorities of the mall and the grocery shop.
Interesting Observations: Something very interesting has been found during this study was the choice of brands among the elderly and youth. Youth were e more inclined towards celebrity endorsement, while elderly people focused on buying their well established and old brands. The choice of brands was also observed to display gender difference. Cultural difference was not significantly identified.

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