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Broader business trends give birth to broader societal views and trends. For example, the U.S. is home to immigrants from all over the world. As people travel from one country to another, they learn about the different languages, customs, ideas and perspectives which are new to them. In the same way, they carry their own customs, languages and ideas to the U.S. thus, creating a global environment operating on a single economy. Moreover, this incredible setup enables foreign born citizens to know about other countries and explore business opportunities in markets outside the boundaries of the U.S. This is how the world is integrated into a common marketplace and provides a platform to economies to compete internationally.
Globalists have in real world, which underestimated the collateral damage inflicted by globalization on developed economies (Zürn & de Wilde, 2016). They placed too much pressure on strong economies and took advantage of their resources at the cost of ordinary citizens who were bereft of the facilities and opportunities offered by their own nations. These opportunities have been usurped by the immigrant population as per nationalists in turn damaging cultural sentiments and ignoring attachment of citizens with their nations. The chronology of events and views regarding the populism movement in Britain has been detailed to understand the repercussions of excessive globalization。
The Great Britain was one of the few nations who embraced the very first era of globalization from mid 1800s to 1914, advocating free trade and gold standard (Hardy & McCann, 2017). This leads to an era of extreme nationalism giving way to the Second World War. After the War ended, globalism was not just restricted to free trade and globalist focused on both economic and geo-political stability.

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