





Primacy is given to subjective meaning as it has been assumed that behaviour of people is based on their beliefs and not only what can be considered as the objective truth. Therefore, society has been perceived as being constructed socially by the interpretation of human. Interpretation of behavior of others is done by people and these interpretations contribute in the formation of social bond (Helle, 2005). These interpretations are referred to as the situation being defined. As an example, why a number of people are addicted to smoking cigarettes, even though as per all objective evidences of medical science point out that it is highly dangerous? The answer of this is the situation being defined that is created by people. It is highly evident that these people are highly aware of the risks related to intake of tobacco, but many also feel that it is cool to smoke and they will be safe from all of the risks involved. Also, as per their belief, smoking helps in the formation of positive image within their own society. Therefore, the actual facts related to smoking and risks involved gets override by the symbolic meaning behind smoking.

Some basic aspects related to social identities and social experiences, such as gender and race, can be understood from the lens of symbolic interactionist. Having no base of biology at all, both gender and race are considered as social constructs. These social constructs function on the basis of what is being considered as the truth regarding people, provided with their appearance and looks (Blumer, 2004).

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