





Japan has progressed a lot and has become the most industrialized country, but it has not been able to move ahead of gender inequality. The country still is very particular about the traditional gender roles despite being world’s third largest economy. The country falls at 101 rank with respect to gender gaps. Sociologists like Ogasawara mention that the country is instrumental in giving the females equal opportunity at work and other spheres just like men but the main problem which adds to the gender inequality is that women tend to drop out of work force after having the first baby.

Another point which leads to gender inequality at work is the fact that the human resource departments are not ready to hire women who have had break in their career. The department tends to think that they would have forgotten everything which they learned and hence they are unfit for jobs.
Another fact which leads to inequality is the fact that the companies are ready to pay a male worker more if his wife is a house-wife. However, the times are changing and the country is stuck with economic stagnation, the working population is aging and hence it is pertinent to hire females for the jobs as they form the fifty percent of the total Japanese population. On the contrary, there was a poll conducted regarding whether women should work or not. In this 51% of the population polled in favor of women sitting at home and taking care of the family (Chow, 2013).

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