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An unacknowledged racial contract has been put into existence through years of conditioning. This has segregated the world into the world of “whites” and the “non-whites”. It influences the social and political conditions of a state and also changes the ideological conditioning of mankind. The essay argues that even in a liberal-democratic state like the one people live in current times, there are still traces of the ideological domination created by the racial contracts of the past. In that context, Mill’s idea of enforcing racial contract through violence could be a solution for at least stirring up more constitutional and political debates on the subject.
According to Mills, even in the current world, the racial contract has been enforced through violence. Firstly, examining the past states, it can be identified that race and race based identifying factors have been accepted in society mainly in the way the state seeks to protect the minorities. In even accepting that the rights of minorities have to be protected shows that there is a natural state which is the contracted state and then there are the issues and concerns that happen as a result of the natural state that has to be handled. Mills makes the claim that it is precisely because of this form of alignment that the racial contract theorizing has to find another alternative A liberal-democratic nations does not have moralizing and balancing forces in this original contribution to protect its different races, only by enforcing the terms of the racial contract then it would be possible to enforce the laws and means to protect different races. In the first variant of the racial contract it might be necessary for the state to treat whites and non-whites differently in order to help both, and in subsequent enforcements of the racial contract it would be necessary to hide these differences. It is in this form of enforcement of racial contract by law enforcement that some more open discourses on the subject could be pulled forward. White supremacy based ideological domination that are carried by both whites and non-whites will be brought up to the surface and a batter arrangement or dissolution of racial contracts in American politics and constitution could be brought about.
A rebuttal to the argument would be that even in current times, as people still have some traces of ideological domination, bringing back some form of enforcement could change people. People who believe in white supremacy might start practicing it with more depth or people who fear white supremacy might go deeper into losing their own identity. The very alternative solution could result in a stronger fall out between the races.

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