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本文主要探討嬰幼兒的父母與其服務提供者之間的關係,這個系統的另一個重要方面是,系統中沒有與父母溝通的真正空間(Martin, 2006)。傳統的認為只有老師才參與孩子的學習過程的想法在社區中受到了質疑(Tijus et al, 1997)。本研究旨在探討有嬰幼兒的父母與其服務提供者之間的關係。這項研究的參與者是住在都柏林的全職父母。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Another important facet of this system is that there was no real space in the systems to communicate with the parents (Martin, 2006). Conventional thought that only the teacher is involved in the learning process of the child has been questioned in the communities (Tijus et al, 1997). A study was conducted with the aim to probe into the relationship between the parents of children who had infants and toddler and their service providers. The participants of this study were full time parents who lived in Dublin.
For the purposes of this study, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory was used as the academic model (Martin, 2006). It was found that there was both positive and negative attributes that is found to develop from this partnership. It was assumed by the majority that in this process the parents and personnel experienced parents, staff and children i.e. all the stakeholder who participated in teaching to the child and the child benefited from partnership. In spite of this, it was found that there was no real interaction between the parents and the teachers. This could be the lack of opportunity existing in the system (Martin, 2006). The parents may not advocate for the child and they do not understand the heuristics of the system. There should be a better system in place to ensure that the parent and the teacher interaction should be facilitated to improve the learning for the child (Martin, 2006). This study proved that the teachers and the parents did not have any opportunity to interact with each other to form effective liaisons with each other.
In this situation, it is quite clear that the parents and the teachers should interact with each other to develop the modals of communication and to ensure that there is holistic progress in the children (Hedges, 2010). Every stakeholder involved in this process should strive to create a situation, where children are benefitted the most in this approach. Teachers can develop a number of modes to interact with the parents in the community. It has been found that the teachers should be involved in creating a pedagogical framework to instil teaching in the parents along with the children (Hedges, 2010).
Parents should also take efforts to interact with the teachers (Hedges, 2010). There should be a number of innovative and unique efforts that can be taken by the parents and teachers to address this issue. To build this liaisons and effective communication, it would take time. It takes time to interact and react with the members and then devise plans to help the child. It is important to have a system of trust and implicit respect to the other stakeholder in the process. For this, it would take time. To initiate communication, the parents and the teachers need not physically visit and enhance the home-school partnership (Bull, et al, 2008).


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