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The degree of technology automation is the balance relation between the technological efforts and human intervention. The low automation states high direct cost and automatic process leads to the lower direct cost. Thus, the company Z-energy should implement advanced automatic technology for carrying out all the processes. The factors that should be included are the degree of support that is required, examining the flexibility of the processes and dependency to the process. Thus, it is very much important to make a choice between the physical abilities, speed and power of the automation against intuitive, analytical abilities and flexibilities of the human beings. The technologies can cope with the complex tasks which are the degree of the analytical content. The information technology department should determine and evaluate the degree of support, flexibility, dependency, capital cost, connectivity, human control and creativity.
The process technologies are combined for quality and cost benefits. The benefits can be derived from the coupling of the activities that were separated previously. The management team of the company should integrate the systems in order to increase the efficiency and provide quality products and services to the customers. The independent system allows the organization to communicate their specifications and allowing greater degree connectivity. The information technology system has access to the portal of the data for real-time information. Thus, the systems can be integrated with the use of the software and hardware which will enable the company to carry out all the process in an efficient manner. The process may require huge capital cost, security concerns, system efficiency, and flexibility and customized systems.
The dimensions of the technologies are related to each other. The higher unit of capacity means more capital is there in comparison to the labour. The company has the opportunity to integrate all the different parts. For low cost, standardized process and high products of products will require less flexibility and high efficiency. Therefore, high skilled staff members and small-scale technologies will be more flexible. The dimensions of the technologies can be related if they dot perfectly matches. The company has to implement strategies in order to integrate the technologies and generate higher returns. The information technology department plays a significant role in increasing the efficiency of the organization. The technologies should be used in an effective manner.

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