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留学 论文代写:电影解析《冰血暴》

留学 论文代写:电影解析《冰血暴》

《冰血暴》是一部上映于1996年的美国黑色喜剧电影。这部电影属于惊悚片。故事线和叙述吸引了观众,它已经成为一个狂热崇拜的发行。故事里有很多故事。导演科恩为这部电影赢得了许多赞誉。这部电影探讨了许多叙事主题。这个故事的主要主角是杰瑞·伦德奎德。他在绑架期间的无效率行为引发了一连串的事件。据说,这个无辜的人试图绑架他的妻子,这个角色软弱而且有缺陷。他利用恶毒的手段谋取成功。Marge Gunderson被认为是怀孕的警察,是社会善良的缩影。

留学 论文代写:电影解析《冰血暴》


留学 论文代写:电影解析《冰血暴》

Fargo Movie is an American Black comedy movie that was released in 1996. This film belongs to the drama thriller genre. The story line and the narration draws in the viewer and it has become one of the cult favourites upon the releases. There are multiple narratives in the story line. The directors the Coen has won many accolades for this movie. This movie explores a number of narrative themes. The main protagonist of the story is Jerry Lundeguard. His inefficient actions during a kidnapping heist to procure the money for his debts starts of a chain of events. Supposedly, innocuous attempts to trying to kidnap his wife, this character is weak and flawed. He resorts to malicious ways for enabled success. Marge Gunderson is considered to be the pregnant police officer who is the epitome of the goodness prevailing in the society.

留学 论文代写:电影解析《冰血暴》
She is the strong positive character played in the movie. The dynamics between the inherent goodness and the botched evil plans by Lunderguard plays the main narrative of the movie. There is the conventional narrative of good vs, evil in this story line. Apart from this the shifting gender roles in the modern cinema, protagonist anti-social behaviour has also been embedded into the narrative (Bordwell, Thompson, and Ashton,. 1997)In the end the core values of humanity and justice prevails. This movie concludes where the chaos ends and justice prevails in the society. When the movie ends the audience also feels that that money cannot suffice all needs of a man to sustain in a society.

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