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Change resistance is a concept where change management is challenged because of employees might face issues during change. When a change is implemented employees face many issues and only when the leader is aware of these issues they can address it to implement successful change.
A primary issue that the employee might feel in the case of change management is that of a loss of their normal identity. In the context of change management, be it a large scale change or a small level change, there will be implications for all employees irrespective of their active participation in the change. In this context employees would feel a sense of a loss of work identity in the organization (Chia, 2001). They might resist change because of this loss of identity. Employers and leaders hence should ensure that the employee understands and embraces this change as part of their work process and identity. The employees must be given details on the change management process even before initiation and must be given some idea of how it could affect them. This form of an anticipatory communication and meet will help the employees (Chia, 2001; Charan, et al, 2001).
Secondly, the employees might feel there is really no need for a change. They might feel the change management process is just an additional burden to their daily work and hence would have concerns and resistance towards it. They might believe that such a change would actually make their daily work more tedious or that the risks of taking such a change might not be beneficial. In this context, the leader of change must work with the employees to show them why the change was initiated in the first place and how change management could impact each one of the employees in a beneficial way in opposition to an adverse way (Burke & Litwin, 1992).
Employees might face issues of insecurity when they feel the change management information is not shared with them transparently. They might feel the management does not trust them with the details or might believe that the people who are entrusted with the change management process cannot be trusted by themselves. “In an organization that has a culture of trust, transparent communication, involved, engaged employees and positive interpersonal relationships, resistance to change is easy to see – and also much less likely to occur. Employees feel free to tell their boss what they think and to have open exchanges with managers” (Rick, 2013). Therefore, it is necessary for the leaders to develop a system of trust in the organization.


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