










目标受众为4 – 16岁儿童及其家庭。当未成年的孩子参与一个项目时,说服父母相信这个品牌是至关重要的。应该有一个组合的综合战略,用来吸引所有相关的消费者。因为涉及到孩子,父母也会参与其中。应该有一个策略来吸引孩子,并说服家长,艺术和戏剧俱乐部是创新和有效的发展孩子。为此,将使用的策略应该是年龄通常在30至45岁之间的父母组和年龄在4至16岁之间的儿童组的组合。


采用多细分目标策略吸引市场细分。这是因为当涉及到孩子时,他们的家庭也应该被考虑(Saren et al., 2012)。儿童剧院吸引了家庭观众和儿童。有针对儿童和成年人的细微差别。

在这个分析中,在市场细分中考虑了三个因素。它是地理分割、人口分割和心理分割。该公司计划在澳大利亚的国际大都市开业。针对所有中、高收入家庭细分的家庭受众。将有一个低价格和高质量的内容,将展示给孩子们(希尔,O’Sullivan和O’Sullivan, 2012)。主要目标将是将在戏剧中发展的内容中采用家庭方法。


Four audiences related marketing objectives have been explained in the following.

Coordinate and developing of an innovative campaign that would increase stakeholder relationship with the brand and increase the arts awareness in the communities.

Completing product launch plan and delivering the products that would engage the children and their families. The purpose is to create a plan that would encourage the parents and the children to gain membership with the program.

Ensure that there are more than 1000 enrolments for membership in the first month and increase membership by 100 every month.

Create brand awareness and develop stakeholder relationship with 25% of the population.

Analysis of the audience and market segmentation

For this analysis, the Metropolitan Museum of Art membership programs and the Birmingham Children Theatre was used to analyse the brand. The Cerebral Arts is a form of club and theatre membership that will encompass the arts and theatre for the children. It will also provide an early art and theatre program for the children who are interested.

Market segmentation and analysis of the audience

The target audience’s demography is the children aged between four to sixteen and their families. When minor kids are involved in a program it is essential to convince the parents about the brand. There should be a combinative integrated strategy that is used to entice all the related consumers. Since it involves children, the parents will be involved in the process. There should be a strategy to entice the children and also convince the parents that the Arts and theatre club is innovative and effective for the development of the children. For this the strategy that will be used should be a combination of the parent group who are aged usually between 30 and 45 and children group who are aged between 4 and 16.

Multi targeted segmentation strategy

The multi segmented targeting strategy will be used to attract the marketing segmentation. This is because when it comes to children their families should also be considered (Saren et al., 2012). Children theatre attracts family audiences and also the children. There are the nuances targeting of the children and the adults of the population.

In this analysis, the three factors are considered in the marketing segmentation. It is the geographic segmentation, demographic and segmentation and psychographic segmentation. The company is planning to open in the cosmopolitan metro cities in Australia. Family audiences of all middle income and upper income family segmentation are targeted. There will be a low price and a quality content that will be showcased for the children (Hill, O’Sullivan and O’Sullivan, 2012). The main target will be the family approach in the content that will be developed in the theatre.

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