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随着时间的推移,企业社会责任(CSR)的概念在公众和企业的争论中获得了前所未有的动力,同时也成为跨越部门界限的战略问题。企业社会责任进一步影响了企业的经营活动方式(Sen和Bhattacharya, 2001)。事实证明,它具有如此重要的意义,以至于许多商业组织考虑从这个角度重新定义核心价值。在企业社会责任的背景下,企业领导表达了深刻而广泛的意见。根据Friedman(1970),任何商业组织的社会责任都是为了提高利润水平(Lichtenstein et al., 2004)。


然而,不同的知觉被麦基(2005)表示,整个商业模式之后,食物可以代表资本主义的新形式,而有意识地为实现共同利益而不是工作唯一依赖的“看不见的手”一代的积极成果在社会(威廉姆斯et al .,2006)。企业社会责任的好处和机遇是无限的,但如果企业社会责任的项目对不同的利益相关者,如员工和客户,产生了负面影响,企业必须重新考虑。然而,CSR的好处可以被视为自然地反映了组织考虑参与CSR的关键原因。因此,本文的目的在于识别企业社会责任对员工、组织、管理、社会和环境的关键益处和危害。


With time, unprecedented momentum has been gained by the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in debate of public and business, while becoming a strategic issue that crosses the boundaries of department. CSR further impacts the way in which there is performance of business activities by the companies (Sen and Bhattacharya, 2001). It has turned out to have such significant that a number of business organizations consider rebranding the core values from this perspective. Deeply- held and far- ranging opinions have been expressed by business leading in context with CSR. According to Friedman (1970), the social responsibility of any business organization is for increasing the level of profits (Lichtenstein et al., 2004).

However, a different perception was expressed by Mackey (2005) that the business model followed by Whole Foods could be representing capitalism in its new form, while consciously working for the achievement of common good rather than having sole dependency on the invisible hand for the generation of positive outcomes across the society (McWilliams et al., 2006). Even though there are endless benefits and opportunities of CSR, it must be reconsidered by organizations, if their programs of CSR have negative impacts on different stakeholders involved, such as employees and customers. However, the benefits of CSR can be seen as naturally mirroring the key reasons organizations consider engaging in CSR. Hence, the aim of this essay lies in identifying the key benefits and dangers of CSR for the employees, organizations, management, society and the environment.

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