




认知结果包括学业成就、阅读测试、成绩保持、智商和特殊教育的安置(Walker et al., 2005)。标准效应大小将作为比较各种认知工具报告的测试成绩的一般指标。当比较控制组和干预组的平均得分时,这个可测量的成分可以被认为是标准偏差的一个单位。当认知结果的百分比发生变化时,采用简单的方法计算大小效应,其中控制组与干预组的变化差异显著。衡量的学术成就是通过标准化的学术成就评估来衡量的,比如加州成就测试。学生的学业成绩的提高可以从那些在儿童早期就报名参加发展项目的学生身上看到。采用标准化测试对幼儿进行认知能力评估。研究表明,对于那些报名参加儿童早期发展项目的儿童,学生对学校的准备程度有所提高。认知结果也通过标准化测试来衡量智力能力(Hoddinott et al., 2008)。报名参加儿童早期发展项目的学生智力水平明显提高。效果是积极的,对孩子和他们的家庭都有积极的影响。认知结果的测量与特殊教育的安置有关。属于特殊教育安置的学生,由于发育迟缓或其他描述学习问题的问题,需要在安置前符合诊断标准,并符合美国公法。在美国,他们应该把专门规划的课程放在最前面,以便能够利用这些课程并使之重新焕发活力。


Control group is on the left axis of the graph while cut-off is allocated to treatment group. The data utilized in this research has been taken from systematic reviews which hold information on 900 households throughout El Alto border and the census areas for La Paz. The data-sets in turn represented children information on post-intervention. This provided knowledge of health nutrition, the behaviour from health nutrition and the 4 anthropometric scoring techniques. These included BMI (Body Mass Index), z-score Weight for age and z-score Height for age.

Main results

Cognitive outcomes were examined inclusive of achievements gained academically, tests for reading, retention for grade, IQ and placement in special education (Walker et al., 2005). The standard effect size will be used as a general metric for comparing the test scores reported from various cognitive tools. This measurable component can be acknowledged as a unit for standard deviation when comparing the mean scores lying between control and intervention groups. When there is change in percentage point for cognitive results, the size effect calculation is done in a simple way wherein the change difference is noted between control groups and intervention based groups. Measured academic achievement is measured through standardized assessments for academic achievement such as the test for California achievement. Increase in student’s academic achievement can be seen for students that have enrolment in programs for development in early childhood. Standardized tests were utilized for cognitive skills assessment with regard to the young children. It was demonstrated that there is an increase in student’s readiness towards school for those children who had enrolment in programs for early childhood development. Cognitive outcomes were also measured with regard to intellectual abilities through standardized tests usage (Hoddinott et al., 2008). There was an evident increase in intelligent level for those students that have enrolment in programs for early childhood development. The effect was positive and influences the children’s as well as their family in a positive manner. Cognitive outcomes were measured with regard to placement in special education. Those students which belonged to placement in special education due to delay in development or other issues depicting learning issues needed to meet the criteria for diagnostics prior to occurrence of placement and as per the Public Law of U.S, they should have specially planned curriculum at their forefront in order to be able to use the same and reinvigorate it.

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