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hange management is an intrinsic process which is enforced by the external circumstances of the market where the company is required to match its performance with the expectations of the market. Social structures of society change. With it, their choices change, and when there is a shift in demand or a development of a new awareness, the choices again changes and demands new services from the provider. These factors consistently require the organisation to be more creative and keep its innovative side fresh as it may require adopting new and uncomfortable changes in order to meet the new and the rising demand of the market and consumers. Global Adventures, as an international travel company, is trying to adopt and implement the change management principles and gets its business on track to become profitable and acquire new customers along with retaining the old ones. The company is at a juncture which has to develop multiple change processes to ensure that all the strategies of change when clubbed together and implemented collectively will give the desired results for the company. The company has multiple loopholes which make its performance weaker and tend to deviate from the path of consistent profit and enhance the business value. This report will undergo a thorough analysis of the company and diagnose the gaps which keep the performance weak and business really out of focus from its core area of practice. The company must do a recce of the repeat customers they have, the new market that is available for capturing, the satisfaction level of the customers, and the likelihood of them repeating their association with Global Adventures. They have a very good customer base and proper strategy can sustain them and also acquire new ones. The cost factor is immediately needed to be assessed because the cost is increasing, while profits are declining. Sales are also increasing but the company seems to be investing more as the cost of doing business is increasing every year. It needs to control the cost and manage innovative investment to keep the marketing costs low, though effective in producing sales (Conway, Jones, & Steward, 2001).


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