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What are the pre-requisites for setting up a travel company, and after forming it, how is it to be maintained in terms of marketing, human resource, and culture mix of the company’s workforce, along with relevant comparisons with similar companies in the UK and China?
For successfully reaching to provide inputs for this aim, there are certain objectives which will have to be considered, and they are some of the following:
1. What are the starts to end processes that are needed in setting up a travel company?
2. What are the pre-formation strategies that are required for a successful start of the company?
3. What are the approximate costs that will go in setting up a full-fledged travel company offering all services presently offered by existing companies?
4. After its formation, how is it to be maintained in terms of marketing and what skills will be required to keep the company growing on the basis of marketing power?
5. How is the cultural management of a varied workforce, either in the home or host countries is to be managed and kept growing?
6. What will be the role of human resource in managing a large and a multi-cultural and multi-lingual organisation?
7. What are some of the comparisons between the new formed travel company and the travel companies of the UK and China, and how do they manage the same in all kinds of internal and external environments?
8. What internal and external factors will have to be considered before forming a travel company?
These objectives will lead us to a good enough conclusion and research results to have substantial information about forming a travel company from scratch. Besides, comparing the company with those in the UK and China will also give a suitable explanation about the management of such companies in two countries of different culture and language.

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