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The net profit margin of Apple in the year 2013 is 21.67%, in the year 2014 is 21.6%, in the year 2015 is 22.85% and in the year 2016 is 21.19%. The return on assets of the in the year 2013 is 19.34%, in the year 2014 is 18.01%, in the year 2015 is 20.45% and in the year 2016 is 14.93%which shows that the company is not efficient in utilizing its assets.


The return on equity in the year 2013 is 30.64%, in the year 2014 is 33.61%, in the year 2015 is 46.25% and in the year 2016 is 36.9%which shows the efficiency of generating returns has decreased from the funds of the shareholders. The returns on the invested capital in the year 2013 is 26.08%, in the year 2014 is 21.2%, in the year 2015 is 31.32% and in the year 2016 is 21.95%. The interest coverage ratio in the year 2013 is 369.79, in the year 2014 is 140.28, in the year 2015 is 99.93 and in the year 2016 is 43.15which shows the debts have been increased. The profitability ratio shows a decrease in the performance of the company from the year in comparison to previous year.

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