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The structure seems to be ruptured with the increment of vegetation and due to this reason, the imbalance in the slope stability is easily determined. The function of the local soil condition is important for the enhancement of the factors regarding the imbalance of the slope stability and the structure easily illustrated the apparent soil cohesion which is being well represented in the form of draining the soils from the steep slopes. The steep forested planes can be easily indicated in the form of developing the reasons for the generalizing the unsaturated conditions which are estimated for the soil erosion and the effect is determined to be the geo-mechanical effect. During the rainy seasons, the imbalance of the slope stability is becoming twice which is determined by comparing the state of the present slope stability. The erosion thus leads to be unstable situation of the slope and can be easily explained by the form undertaken for the study.


Excessive loading: When there is excessive loading on the slope, it will lead to increase of the shear stress. When the protection facilities exceed the provide resistance, it will be easy to form slope damage. A large number of digging and filling: In the development of slope, the back-fill ditch is used to facilitate the excavation. If the area of filling is not rolling compact and there is the loose soil within the slope, it is fairly easy to produce uneven subsidence or deformation. When there is a building above the filling area, it will cause disasters such as cracking, displacement, skew or dumping.


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