




佛教起源于印度北部,与印度教有共同的元素,乔达摩佛悉达多(Siddhartha)就是在印度长大的。典型的起源日期是公元前5世纪。宗教起源于冥想和分析,把悉达多唤醒到一种开明的状态。乔达摩佛在他的觉悟状态中指出,执着的结束就是痛苦的结束。佛教至今的关键元素是,当一个人结束了他的依附,那么在他死后,他就从重生的负担中解脱出来。个体从轮回或轮回中解脱,从而结束他的痛苦。宗教被理解为一种社会习得的行为或文化的一部分。因此,这种文化是一种模式化的行为,在群体中共享,然后代代相传,成为他们的价值体系的一部分。就乔达摩佛而言,他生长在一个印度教家庭。他会在印度教家庭中社交。社会化是一个学习文化和宗教信仰的过程。这就是乔达摩佛在其形成期是如何学习印度教的一些信仰的,如重生的信仰,重生的痛苦,以及后来成为佛教一个非常关键的概念(Badiner, 1990)。


Religious faith might be changing but is not declining. Religion forms the cultural makeup for people and hence as culture is formed and practiced, the people also have religion as a strong part of their structure. It influences them and forms a strong core of their value systems. The purpose of this research essay is to analyse how such belief systems are created by presenting an overview on the history and beliefs of Buddhism.


Buddhism has its roots in Northern India, and has common elements with Hinduism, as Siddhartha who is Gautama Buddha was raised as a Hindu. The typical date of origination was 5th century B.C.E. The religion originated as ways of meditation and analysis awakened Siddhartha to an enlightened state. Gautama Buddha in his enlightened state noted that the end of attachments was the end of suffering. The key element in Buddhism till date is that when a person ends his attachment then in his death he is relieved from the burden of rebirth. The individual is released from rebirth or samsara and hence ends his sufferings. Religion is understood as a socially learned behaviour or as a part of culture. So this culture is a patterned behaviour that is shared among groups of people and then gets passed on from generation to generation such that it becomes part of their very value system. Now in the case of Gautama Buddha, he was raised in a Hindu family. He would have socialized in the Hindu family. Now socialization is the process by which culture and religious beliefs are learnt. This is how Gautama Buddha in his formative years learned about some of Hinduism beliefs such as that of rebirth, the suffering of rebirth and more which later was to become a very key concept in Buddhism (Badiner, 1990).

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