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There is an innate intricate link that is found to exist between taste and the audience lifestyle. Each audience group is considered to belong to a certain socio-economic group and the appropriate lifestyle of the social groups is studied There are complex social dynamics and collectivistic ideologies that exits in the society, which influences the individual taste preference. There is also the lifestyle requirement that the individuals are expected to fulfil in these dynamics.


Bourdieu states that the people try to gain social capital as much as material capital in the society. There is a need for the people to ensure that they gain social capital and they follow the mandates of the society. This is often done to fit into the main stream society and gain capital from this process. This is the reason for the fast fashion trends to gain precedence in the society. In the current system, there are a growing number of people who are under the pressure of the ephemeral fashion fads. The people are forced to succumb to the fashion consumerism and this forced on all the individuals in the society . The fashion consumerism is benefitted when there are continual changes in the fashion trends and fads. It is for this reason that the people are forced by the society to make changes in their attire at very short intervals of times . From this, it can be contended that the companies in the modern times need to espouse a balance between ethical consumerism and indulgence.

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