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The management of buyer-supplier relation and quality are the main issues that have attracted attentions of managers and academics. From the theoretical perspective, development of theory in the management of the quality is recent vintage, while in the area of buyer-supplier relationship; it is a subject of painstaking theory, particularly in the industrial marketing. The interaction between buyer suppliers provides a fertile ground for the growth of the company. Thus it can be concluded that there is a great importance of buyer-supplier to the management. It determines the stability and profitability of the firm in the long run.


A supply chain, in contrast to the supply chain management, consists of a group of organizations, linked directly with one or more flows of products, finances, and information from one source to customer. In the event of increased turbulent markets, the need for inter-firm cooperation has been felt by most of the organizations. Efficient buyer-supplier relationship helps in exchanging and managing uncertainty and improving the efficiency of supply chain . Cooperation within partners is essential to get better supply regarding increasing the sales, using fewer inventories in the system, as the absence of collaboration leads to delays and inferior quality of goods.

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