美国代写论文 美国论文代写





这项活动也必须在行为手段下进行,而不能使一种占支配地位的做法破坏其主要工作范围。这是因为一些客户需要在一些网站上进行非正式的沟通,而这些网站必须是为了客户和业务而不得不进行的。雇主不能容忍员工在工作中过度使用社交媒体,这会自动地缩短时间,让员工进入舒适的工作环境(Falcone, 2010)。这损害了员工的主要目的和工作范围,并降低了影响业务和利润的总体生产力。员工的在线活动必须有一个平衡,并且必须监控其对业务的影响。


Presentations are given for simplifying the project proposal or an idea showing its implementation to the viewers. English presentations are most widely used as the language is considered as internationally preferred in business. Other-than-English presentations must be allowed to presenters who are more fluent in other languages. This is because the presenter is able to put precise and concise contents which otherwise may not have be possible if English language was imposed. Along with the primary language, English translation must be included for fluent understanding of the contents to English language knower. As far as the content is strong, absolutely focused, the language must not be a hurdle in business progression, so other-than-English presentations must be encouraged where demanded. The employer must tolerate controlled online activities of employees that are directly related to the enhancement of business.

The activity must also be under the means of conduct and not make a dominant practice destroying their prime scope of work. This is because some customers demand a casual communication on some websites which must be obliged for the sake of the customer and the business. The employer must not tolerate employees’ excessive use of social media at work, which automatically kills time and takes the employee into a comfortable zone of work (Falcone, 2010). This spoils the prime intent of the employee’s purpose and scope of work and reduces overall productivity affecting business and profits. There must be a balance in employee’s online activities and must be monitored for their impact on the business.

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