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Another very popular technique of the Canonical art form is the Sfumato. This includes the possibilities to hear about the Chiaroscuro. It is defined as the intense representation of the light and the dark parts. The repetition of the lighter and the dark part one after another makes the art form make enchanting to the eyes. In this case there is only one of the light sources which can help in keeping the balance between the light and the dark parts. The dark parts of the paintings are reflected in completely black colour. The bright parts are represented in the bright form. The use of dark background and the dark picture has made the painting more attractive.


Thus it can be considered that the dark parts of the paintings represent in black while the bright parts are represented in the bright form. Thus the same can be framed by giving the dark parts to the brighter parts in the painting and can automatically focus on some of the brighter parts. This is what the artist is trying to deliver . The artist wish to focus on the scene which actually happens in the above picture, the entire attention stays on the kids and the adults while doing some of the tasks. This is when there is no consideration on some of the other things. In these kinds of paintings, the viewer not is actually distracted because of the other kind of background ornaments, unnecessary characters, elements or other objects. This style is used highly by the artists in the modern art form. This is the kind of art form which is used in a great manner. It had much more contrast and there was a higher prominence to the darkness.


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