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本文主要讲述的是企业文化和创新,Kenworthy(1995)和Lundvall(1998)进一步得出结论,国家和企业层面的文化可以影响组织相互合作的意愿(Lavie, 2006)。根据Gerard等人(1990)的研究,企业之间的合作存在于几个国家的开放创新之下(Adams & Jaffe, 1996)。在他们看来,影响开放式创新成功的最基本因素包括企业文化和与整个企业适当的专业技能开发相关的投资规模。本篇代做assignment文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

It was further concluded by Kenworthy (1995) and Lundvall(1998) that culture of national and corporate level can impact the organization willingness for collaborating with one another (Lavie, 2006). According to Gerard et al. (1990), it has been examined that collaboration between firms exists under open innovation in several nations (Adams & Jaffe, 1996). Within their perspective, the most essential factors that influence open innovation success include culture of corporate and the investment scale related with appropriate expertise development across the firm.
It was noted by Craig and Douglas (1997), that within emerging economies, the capability is for organizations to be in completion based upon the lowest price possible (Lazzarotti et al, 2010). This results in firms across supply chains to show an orientation of adversarial and transactional nature. They further suggested a transition towards a relationship of collaborative nature which happens after firms undertake to adopt measures depending over differentiation (Lichtenthaler & Lichtenthaler, 2009). According to Batra (1997), it has been noted that an essential reason behind firms biased towards competition based on price is due to the average income of customers being low within several emerging markets and there is also a higher sensitivity for customer price level (Lichtenthaler, 2008). In such situations where orientation of collaborative nature starts appearing within the emerging markets, this occurs often initially among firms that are present internationally because these firms have entered the international market (Lichtenthaler, 2011). Therefore, the need to innovate for them is followed. All the theoretical framework points to the fact that much can be gained through open innovation within developing economies.
The impact that open innovation has on the growth of the economy can be investigated through several points of vantage. Casual chains of prominence among the economic growth and open innovation are elaborated within this section and involves social capital creation through the expansion of network, increment in the resilience of the firm, human capital fostering through the transfer of knowledge, improved advantage in the competitiveness by absorption of technology as well as knowledge along with the multifactorial growth through the conjunction of the NSI.


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