


菲尔·罗杰斯先生,55岁,已婚,有3个孩子。他一直患有胃肠道疾病。他最近做了结肠镜检查。既往病史包括溃疡性结肠炎、憩室炎、气管炎。他把医生推荐给他的结肠镜检查推迟了两年。他在过去的十年里没有做过结肠镜检查。如果推迟结肠镜检查,发生癌症等并发症的风险很高(Yamada, Alpers, & Owyang, 2009)。这可能是由于卫生保健系统的后勤保障。他没有私人保险来支付他的费用。



溃疡性结肠炎是指结肠和直肠发炎的长期情况。结肠是大肠(Jones et al., 2009)。它也被称为肠道。直肠是肠的末端。溃疡在结肠内壁发展,可出血导致不适(Barclay, 2015)。

菲尔已经改变了一些生活方式,比如口服布地奈德。布地奈德是一种用于治疗炎症的类固醇。除了使用益生菌,菲尔还有高胆固醇。他过去的吸烟习惯和现在的饮酒习惯都是溃疡形成的原因。然而,当结肠出血时,建议紧急手术。结肠出血通常等同于立即手术(Christensen & Kockrow, 2014)。这是菲尔去医院的主要原因。他需要立即接受治疗和手术。如果手术是在所有其他方法都不能控制疾病的情况下进行的,术后Phil需要进行一些维护。


Mr Phil Rogers, is a 55-year-old man who is married with 3 children. He has been suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. He has recently undergone colonoscopy. His past history includes having ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and GORD. He has postponed the colonoscopy exam that was recommended to him by the doctor for 2 years. He has not had colonoscopy in the past ten years. The risks of developing complications such as Cancer are high when colonoscopy exam is delayed (Yamada, Alpers, & Owyang, 2009). This could be due to the logistics of the health care system. He does not have private insurance to cover his costs.

Recently, he has been experiencing pain due to his ulcerative colitis and also has rectal bleeding this had prompted him to consult a doctor during which the colonoscopy was performed. Now there should be management of his past conditions along with management of the post-operative monitoring. In this case, there should be management of the ulcerative colitis condition through the right nutrition and lifestyle, immediate post-operative monitoring is required along with past management of the GORD conditions. These factors have been discussed in the following.


Ulcerative colitis is the term for long-term condition where the colon and the rectum inflame. The colon is the large intestine (Jones et al., 2009). It is also known as the bowel. The rectum is the end of the bowel. The ulcers develop in the colon lining and can bleed leading to discomfort (Barclay, 2015).

Phil has taken some lifestyle changes such as being on a diet taken in oral budesonide. The budesonide is a steroid used to treat inflammation. Apart from Phil also uses probiotics, Phil has high levels of cholesterol. His past smoking habits and the current drinking habit contribute towards the development of ulcers. However, urgent surgery is recommended when there is colon bleeding. Colon bleeding is usually tantamount to immediate surgery (Christensen & Kockrow, 2014). This is the main reason for Phil to visit the hospital. He needs immediate care and surgery to treat the condition. If surgery is performed when all other methods fail to manage the disease some maintenances are required by Phil post the surgery.

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