





I feel a similar thing happened with me when I heard my grandfather’s stories who had a deeper emotionality even in prejudice (Bourdieu, et al., 2000). These stories had an element of discrimination against people with dark skin and most of these narratives also depicted cultural biasness. I felt unfortunate of grasping such a lesson from those stories as I started to become a prejudiced. This incident also made me more culturally diverse and I started to acknowledge the importance of same in the globalized world. These prejudices can be clearly avoided by me by reading and making myself efficiently knowledgeable regarding management of diversity and cultural diversified situations. This will help me make sure that application of discriminating incidents are never repeated by me. Furthermore, I can also take help from social groups wherein discussion of prejudiced people trying to leave prejudice reflect. This social group will further enlighten the extent of my own prejudice.

The extent being analyzed, I will further be able to apprehend and thrive by removing the prejudice from my basic nature. The best way further will be to apply either of the hypothesis formulated by sociologists such as Trankard et al 2001 (Bourdieu et al, 2000) namely, self-esteem hypothesis (gaining appropriate education and high esteem of self), contact hypothesis (best way to answer prejudice is by bringing members of distinct groups together in order to learn by appreciating the general experience and background of the members), cooperation hypothesis (conflicting groups have to form cooperation by keeping their interests aside and learn to work by sharing goals) and legal hypothesis (removing prejudice by law enforcement against behaving in a discriminating way).

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