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The jamming process is mainly used to stops a communication device to send or receive communication signals. The use of jammers is quite controversial around the globe with a total ban on individual use. In the US, it is illegal to sell, without prior permission from the government. However, it is still widely available on some websites. Jammers are being used by federal offices under some circumstances. Strict laws, ranging from fine to imprisonment, have been enacted to stop personal usage of jammers. Recent incidence, including suspension of a teacher in Florida, using jammers in the classroom, shows the activeness of government against the personal use of jammers.


This technology has been developed to prevent the leakage of sensitive information, prevention of criminal activity at a particular place or thwarting bomb blast with the use of cell phone trigger. There was much news of blockage of communication signals when US president met with the masses. Some supporters of jammers have an opinion that it stops students from using phones and tablets during lectures.
There are many critical opinions against blocking of phone signals. It has also been viewed as a breach of their fundamental rights. Some also opine that it encourages criminal activity, as it prevents someone calling police help, during a bank robbery.
Assistance needed during emergency circumstances will be unavailable due to the absence of communications.

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