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代寫論文 價格-什麼是業務關係

本文主要講什麼是業務關係,類似地,大約有150,000個鏈接用戶與一些現有的業務關係一起工作。現有的業務關係可以是組織同一部門內的人員、行業內的同一組織甚至同一國家內不同行業內的人員的業務論壇。他們可以像校友組織一樣簡單,也可以是某個組織的基層組織。 LinkedIn上的社區互動形式多種多樣。它可以簡單到在社區內以專業的方式提出問題。它也可以是更多的面向業務的問題,需要特定的答案。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Similarly, around 150,000 Linked users are seen to work with some of the existing business relations. Existing business relations could be a business forum of people within the same department of an organization, or same organization within an industry, or even different industries in the same country. They could be as simple as alumni groups or could be grassroots for some organization. The form of community interactions on LinkedIn is varied. It could be as simple as asking questions in a professional sense within the community. It could also be more of business oriented questions where specific answers are required.
Some users would be able to start newer connections in this conversation, start a project based commentary, or congratulate someone else on a new project etc. Dashboard style of working allows users to even work on projects where they want to and have an interaction space based on that project dashboard. Once again, the opportunities that are created for LinkedIn users here are seen to be limited only to the ingenuity of the users or the operators of the VC. Research studies show that when a VC offers little restrictions or constraints on how the VC can be used by operators then it would essentially be increasing the chances of tis survival (Leimeister et al., 2004). In the case of LinkedIn, there are really very less restrictions applied on how it can be used and this makes it a solidly successful virtual community.
There are many virtual communities in the Internet open environment. There are many communication tools and innovations empowering the use of these virtual communities. Some virtual communities are largely successful and some are seen to be a failure over time. What makes them a success is how they are used. LinkedIn was chosen as a specific virtual community for discussion in this research. Using the VC as a primary case study, the research assessed on what factors would help them flourish in the context of the open environment of the Internet. The factors that have led to the failure of other organizations are also discussed in context.

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