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本文主要講的是人員聘用,應在下一個財政年度執行需要進行的改革。應立即通知這兩名導遊,為期六個月(Morrison et al., 1992)。在這段時間裡,如果沒有任何增長,他們可以被要求離開公司。此通知可於本財政年度結束後的4月份發出。一個非常重要的變化是招聘新員工。在董事會中有兩個新成員是很重要的。董事會和員工的招聘將於今年9月開始,並將持續到12月。將向被徵聘的成員提供培訓,從4月起,他們將開始工作。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The implementation of the changes which are required to be done should be implemented in the forthcoming financial year. The two tour guides should be given immediate notice which may last for six month (Morrison et al., 1992). In this time period, if no growth has been shown by them, they can be asked to leave the company. This notice can be given in the month of April, immediately after the end of the financial year. A very important change is the recruitment of new staff. It is important to have two new members in the board of directors. The recruitment process for the board and the staff will begin by September this year and will continue till December. The training will be provided to the recruited members and from April they will begin to work.
The recruitment of the board of directors should be done with great care and should be looked upon by Sharon. Though the staffing of the employees or the tour guides should be directly done by the HR and no one should interfere in the same. If it is found that the HR member has been forced to hire any of the relative of the board members, that director will be asked to retire.
Change in the tour plans is another implementation which is required to be updated. The board should meet to discuss the new tour plans which may be added to the profile. An analysis is required to be carried out on different tours which haven’t been covered by the company yet. It is important to add few more tours for this season which can attract more number of people. Further, there should be few other tours apart from the adventure tour (Kramer & Magee, 1990). Few special tour packages should be instantiated for the honeymooners, kids, youths and families. This will give the people ample of tours to select from. At present, the repeating customers also have to go to some other company if they want to go for a tour other than the adventure tour. This change can be implemented from the month of September itself (Sirkin et al, 2005).

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