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本篇文章講的是商業實踐對利益相關者的影響是,隨著公司規模的不斷擴大,員工受到了壓力。這可以通過發展更好的物流管理來實現。 CSR減少環境足蹟的努力導致了產品的延遲。即使這對公司是一個積極的屬性,也應該有更好的CSR政策來迎合員工。應該有其他形式的庫存管理。需要找到更好的庫存管理解決方案,以獲得競爭優勢。本篇代寫論文費用文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Impact of the business practices on stakeholders is that the employees are stressed by the growing expansions of the company. This can be achieved by developing better logistics management. CSR efforts of reducing the environmental footprint lead to delays in the product. Even though this is a positive attribute for the company there should be better CSR policies that cater to the employee. There should be other forms of inventory management. Need to find out better solutions for inventory management to gain competitive advantage.
To conclude, Lush cosmetics have a unique perspective on the issues. They are found to be have an innovative business strategy and have establish good employee relations. But unless there is proper inventory it adds to the pressure of the company. It was quite clear to me that the main issue faced by the company was inventory and production management. This has also lead to the quality of certain products being different from others. There should be better practices instilled to create a better functioning system. This would lead to quality issues
Another important factor was to allow the employee to wear clothes that resonated with the brand rather than giving them standard uniforms. Employee of the company seems to be working in cohorts with one another and it is a learning environment. Labelling of the products having the face of the employee allows the people to connect with the brand and understand that there was a hard working employee involved in creation of their products. These are some of the positive factors of the company.
Overall the company has a number of positive traits. If they only make small corrections in their infrastructure they would be able to meet demands.

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