




法国航空公司成立于1933年的合并发生四个当地公司的航空公司之间SGTA法曼,CIDNA,东方航空联盟,和空气。这提供了组织的第一次经历合并。在矛盾,荷航被发现在1919年德国的国家航空公司(Inkpen & Birkenshaw,2008,p . 201 – 217)。没有历史经验与收购或合并。合并这两个组织之间为链接史基浦机场提供了机会,法国航空公司与个人中心在一个特定的位置。


前面的法国航空公司的收购和并购的经验似乎通知他们的方法和态度与荷航收购时被考虑。荷航的经理显示意愿的生产转变它的持续时间与法国航空公司合并,最小可能性的不安全感(Inkpen & Birkenshaw,2008,p . 201 – 217)。从合并开始的时候,法国航空公司的组织做出了选择的一个原始的方法对他们的合并将荷航,而调用合并和更高的关注在互补利益相关的思想和文化的尊重。


The organizations of KLM and Air France had been two different national carriers before they combined in the year 2004, for the creation of a merger group Air France- KLM. In the current context, the merger is known to be having a yearly turnover of 23 billion Euros, moving passengers that are 73.5 million passengers every year (Killing 2003).


Air France had been formed in the year 1933 by the merger taking place between four local companies of airlines that were SGTA Farman, CIDNA, Air Union, and Air Orient. This provided the organization with the first experience of the mergers. In contradiction to this, KLM had been found in the year 1919 as the national carrier of Germany (Inkpen & Birkenshaw, 2008, p. 201-217). There have been no historical experience with the acquisitions or the mergers. The merger between both the organizations provided the opportunity to Air France for linking Schiphol with its individual hub at a specific location.


The previous experiences of Air France with the acquisitions and mergers seemed to be informing their approach and attitude when the acquisition with KLM had been considered. The managers at KLM showed willingness for having a productive transition in the duration of which it was coming in a merger with Air France, with the minimum possibility of insecurity (Inkpen & Birkenshaw, 2008, p. 201-217). Right from when the merger began, the organization of Air France made a choice of taking up an original approach towards their merger will KLM while calling to combine and place higher emphasis over the ideas related to complementary benefit and cultural respect.

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