







  1. Internet connections can help customers to promote the e-menu system and recommend the restaurant and the hotel to their friends and family (Emenuworld.com, 2014).
  2. The inter-department conflicts can almost eliminate with exact and accurate information being passed to everyone, with no room for excuses or blame shifting. This could potentially improve a lot of service standards and provide a superior experience to customers.
  3. The departments of service quality monitoring, serving staff, cooking staff, and restaurant manager could come together from the feedback offered by customers. The customer could have a digital feedback and this could be seen by all departments. The cook could see how there is an issue with the serving staff which is taking longer to deliver the food thereby serving cold food. The quality control monitor could understand the actual issues from the feedback and can immediately go back, so that the same mistake cannot be repeated with another customer ordering the same item at the same time. This way it can save a lot of energy and wasteful thinking of what had happened when a customer was unhappy.

Thus e-menu system has a lot of functional improvements which can up the service standard of the restaurant and gain a competitive advantage in the industry.

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