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本文的主要內容是道德恐慌信息的性質,道德恐慌信息的性質在過去和現在都沒有改變。在過去,他們比任何時候都更關注像兒童問題這樣的敏感問題,而現在,情況仍然是一樣的。 “大多數關於道德恐慌的研究都圍繞著兒童的安全展開,無論是肥胖、毒品、壞母親、邪惡的日託中心、青少年犯罪還是兒童使用電腦遊戲”(Petley et al., 2013, p.185 )。兒童是社會中脆弱的一部分,過去有人觀察到,許多道德恐慌的產生和緊急解決都是圍繞著兒童。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The nature of moral panic messages in the past and in current times has not changed. In the past, they used to surround delicate issues like child concerns more than any other and in current times, the situation is still the same. “Most moral panic studies revolve around the safety of children, whether it be obesity, drugs, bad mothers, satanic day-care centers, juvenile delinquency or children’s use of computer games” (Petley et al., 2013, p.185). The children are a vulnerable part of society and it has been observed in the past that many of the moral panics created and resolved with urgency were those surrounding children.
Consider the work of Marsh & Melville (2011) which focused on understanding them both in historic and contemporary situations in assessing moral panics. In historic situations, authors identified more moral panics with respect to children. Pedophilia as a social issue, could be better addressed as moral panics kept up a sense of urgency, despite an exaggerated sense of fear in some situations. Now this form of urgency creation could still be the same in historic media and in contemporary technologies. The internet is as much an open public space like a physical space (Cohen, 2002). Therefore, the nature of moral panic messages with respect to vulnerable populations still carries a meaning. As Clapton et al. (2013) argue, the connected space raised many panics on child protection. The internet was an open public space. Here the traditional forms of protection did not exist and this raised moral panics. However, the nature for what the panic was created and was handled is protection of a vulnerable population and hence they are similar.
The nature of moral panics with respect to the vulnerable population can also be different given that there is the element of media panic. Contemporary communication technologies create what is called the media panic associated with the moral panic. In the media panic, the medium itself makes the discussion on good or bad polarized. As an example, consider the situation of the technopanics (Marwick, 2008). The technopanic is a form of moral panic in the connected world. The technopanic surrounds such discussions like how text messaging introduces vulnerable populations to harm. Similarly, there are concerns of how children might be introduced to violent video games.
Social technologies that might appeal to teenagers resulting in adverse behavior traits would also be considered as part of the technopanic situation. Now it has been argued that technopanics take new media forms and tend to pathologize young children’s use of these tools in order to control or regulate their behavior. While technopanics do result in anxiety, it has indeed been considered as a needed aspect, as it helps regulate children and steers them away from real trouble (Marwick, 2008). Hence, even in the context of media, moral panics like technopanics, it could be said that the nature of panic and the intent to protect the vulnerable section of society still remains the same.

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