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本文主要讲述探险类旅游的兴起,此外,旅游项目的类型也应该有所改变。目前,这家公司只提供探险旅游。虽然有很多人对其他可能不是很冒险的旅游很感兴趣,但他们都很喜欢。这样可以更好地接触客户。他们也将有多种选择,他们可以轻松地选择他们的计划容易(Aladwani, 2001)。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There should be a change in the type of tours offered as well. At present, the company offers only the adventure tours. Though there are many people who are interested in other tours which may not be very much adventures, they are loved by all. This will give a better reach to the customer. Also they will have a variety of options which they can easily select their plan easily (Aladwani, 2001).
There should be few interesting packages such as the honeymoon packages offering added privacy to the customers, a youth package offering a great adventure and too much entertainment for the youth. By the diversification of the business among different units, the organization will get more and more customers and will be much more successful. It is important that the packages should be modified from time to time.
A yet another change is to initiate few budget packages. These packages may consist of a budget stay which is available to the customers at very low price. This will help to seek the customers from lower middle classes as well (Todnem, 2005).
The board of directors should ensure that there is a proper marketing of the company. Few months prior to the onset of every season, a significant amount should be invested on the marketing of the different tours. There should be a recruitment of a marketing manager in the company. He will not only look for an efficient marketing of the company and its plans but will also make sure that the name of the company is in buzz throughout the year (Anderson, 2010). An experienced person should be hired as a marketing manager who should try to connect different people at different levels and work for the overall growth of the organization.
The decision of Tina and Joanne to leave the organization may prove to be harmful for the business. Considering the same, they should be requested not to leave the company. They should be provided with a rise in their salaries which is at par with the one which is offered by the best travel companies (Paton et al., 2008). A moderate motivation and request may have an impact over them.
Sharon may be requested to stay connected with the company as she is a person who was the founding member (Hayes et al., 2014). It is because of her efforts that the company has been running in such an efficient manner and is growing consistently.


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