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Bill Gates started from the scratch and envisioned world aided by technology. The skills or qualities of leadership can all be found in the character of Bill Gates. Before moving on to critically evaluate his leadership ability, it is important to perceive this theoretically. The four main theories of leadership are the trait theory, the behavioural theory, the contingency theory and the full-range theory. The trait theory believes searching the typical leadership traits such as broad-mindedness, intelligence, precision, laboriousness, self-efficiency and analytic perspective in human character.
This report will discuss the character of Bill Gates in this theoretical context. The qualities and skills discussed above are present in the Mr. Bill gates. He thought out-of-the-box and is a visionary in respect to the use of technology (Mathieu et al. 2014). The traits of leadership made him drop out from college and follow his heart. Undoubtedly, he anticipated the world and the prevalence of information and technology in that world. At the very beginning, Microsoft was developing windows and other stuff in association with IBM. Eventually, Bill Gates made Microsoft a distinct entity. He is a self-taught entrepreneur and he achieved the unbelievable success with Microsoft through his technical expertises and leadership qualities.
His visionary ideas never let Microsoft turned static among the fierce competition with Apple, Sony, Google, IBM, and others. He anticipated the future prospect of LinkedIn and in 2016 the Microsoft Corporation acquired that online portal site. The following figure aptly illustrates Bill Gates as one of the greatest business leaders in the history of mankind.Apart from being a leader, Bill Gates has been a pioneer who paved the way of digital distribution throughout the world. In fact, he is one of the key persons who made technological devices and software common and simple. Therefore, it can be said that an organization should keep the above-mentioned qualities along with self-efficiency and striking personality in mind while choosing a leader.


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