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This research thesis is responsible for elucidating the pattern as well as development required for setting up e-commerce platform for clothing business in New Zealand. The research proposal aims at providing an overview with regard to rationale, aims and objectives of the research. The key business conception here lies in setting up a web based platform for online clothing where customers get their desired products and services. The e-commerce online clothing business platform will have its basis in New Zealand. The researcher will have to focus over the involved processes for setting up an online clothing business platform for clothing in New Zealand. The budget requirements for the initiation of the business will also be needed. In addition, the business project will require a clear focus into the scope of online clothing business in New Zealand along with conducting market analysis in the domain.
First fact is that New Zealand is a country with dynamic prospects for clothing. The clothing business will be such that it offers innovation in the field. The market for clothes, accessories and basic supplies through e-commerce platforms has been flourishing in New Zealand as well. The landscape of e-commerce has been under global focus with regard to New Zealand (Turban et al., 2016). The idea of online clothing business will be executed through use of a platform for e-commerce. The aim will be on adding value through unique prospects generated. Second fact is that technological adoption has been on the rise in the nation since 2013.
The business project idea lies in setting up online clothing business or e-commerce platform in New Zealand. There is an increasingly dynamic trend of online clothing business all across the world. There are various factors behind this enhanced focus inclusive of strong currency locally within the globalized market and online clothing business unprecedented adoption by customers. The focus over related technologies has also increased. Major domestic retailers, furthermore, have been perceived generally to struggle at enhancing their region based digital presence and global retailing units have capitalized over this through aggressive operations in the marketing domain. Due to all the favorable factors, the market of ecommerce within New Zealand has shown a momentum of positive nature. As evident, there is much potential in the market and therefore the motivation of this research has come into being. Many such companies such as Wish.com and Alibaba.com have started as local online platforms and have expanded comprehensively and so this business also has the capability to expand.


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