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The change is undeniable event in the life of an organization, and managing the change properly is the first brick in the foundation of successful growth of the business. Like any other function, implementing change also comes with the cost attached to it. Some people perceive it as an opportunity while others look at it skeptically. The whole process of brining change consumes both time and resources of the company. Therefore, it is always desired to have its successful implementation. The positive results from the changes undertaken might take some time to show.
Under these circumstances, it becomes the responsibility of leaders to keep the employees convinced about the benefits of change. The managers take on the roles of a leader at the time of changes in an organization. Merely managing the situation does not suffice the requirements of change implementations. The problem related to the change implementation needs gamut of activities to be performed. Here we have discussed the steps that might help the leaders prepare better for the upcoming obstacles. We have also tried to understand the changes from employees’ point of view, how they generally perceive changes and the issues that are important for employees. The leaders can get an insight into the thinking of employees while the changes are implemented.
However, in context with the modern scenario and the future workforce, the manager would have to take advantage of the newer leadership tactics. The next generation employees are armed with the latest electronic devices, cell phones and laptops. Generally, they are impatient to reach their goals and expect everything to be done very quickly. However, they are not easy to be manipulated and do not like to be dictated (Blanchard, 2009).

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