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Qantas was looking to start a new airline offshoot in Asia, and was to hire fresh candidates for the venture, and as a result, it was ready to remove 1000 workers in its Australia unit. This was precisely planned to reduce costs and meet its profit objectives as promised to shareholders. The worker unions who were already negotiating a working agreement with the airline could not handle removal of 1000 workers and outsourcing jobs to Asia.
They were also denied any improvement in providing better working conditions and pay rises (Web.archive.org, 2011). The workers brought about series of industrial actions on the airline, which got the environment more heated and started affecting passengers and performance. The negotiations failed to reach a specific outcome, and the airline on 29th October 2011 had to announce the grounding of 108 planes at 22 different airports causing constant loses over non-operations. This affected serious business and government reputation and revenues, and hence the industrial actions were squashed by Fair Works Australia on 31st October 2011.
The case study analysis informs of the priorities of management and shareholders, which remained to seek profit under all circumstances, even at the cost of sacking employees. This was in complete contrast to the trade unions and workers’ demands. As a working condition, they are entitled for better work conditions, pay rises, and job security. This was not a case of taking undue advantage, but a moral right. Public opinion remained more or less in favour of the employees and workers. Grounding airlines caused huge losses to customers too, who were angry at such disservice. Legislation must play a bigger role than government concern for the economy, because if they are not followed by the relevant entities, it destroys the economy and polarises wealth. The government, through its powers, lifted the industrial actions just because it was hurting the passengers and the economy, but there has been no conclusion yet on the dispute.
Economical aspect of the nation played a bigger role in deciding the fate of the dispute more than social aspect. The workers’ demands are a matter of social justice, which failed through government intervention. If government had to intervene, it could have resolved the dispute by legal solutions. Thus, political will played a role which was majorly concerned for the passengers or citizens, travellers, foreign residents, the economy and its image in general. These factors forced the government to lift the industrial actions.

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